The value of confidence outweighs a focus on price

Commentary - 18 Feb 2020

Challenging environments demand fresh compliance thinking

By Gary Yeoman, Sales Director
Commentary author

By Gary Yeoman

Sales Director

With the benefit of working on most of the industry’s high profile deepwater projects over four decades, Balmoral understands the pressures on operators to accelerate their return on investment and ensure that any risk to downtime is fully mitigated.

Safety and compliance have always been of utmost importance but operating in new and even more challenging environments demands a renewed assessment of the compliance criteria required in the sector.

Recognising these drivers, we have invested heavily in the Balmoral Discovery Unit – a hothouse for materials and product development and innovative thinking.

This is often where our client journey begins as we address specific technical challenges in an advisory capacity, supporting them through to product design and testing in accordance with industry compliance and safety standards.

The Discovery Unit’s specialist team, combined with cutting-edge facilities and development technology, work hand-in-hand to provide evidence-based, technical and validated solutions for our clients.

Supported by unrivalled technical expertise and a proven track record, Balmoral products are developed in accordance with appropriate standards and, where relevant, certified by a third party authority to API 17L standards.

These credentials provide reassurance for our clients and, ultimately, their customers who seek optimised value and confidence across all operations.

New projects bring great opportunities for the industry; however, they can also bring risk. Therefore, we strongly believe that every project should be supported by a fully comprehensive approach to compliance that is managed by a team of highly experienced specialists to ensure complete client assurance and surety.

I would be happy to hear from you if you would like to discuss this further.

Our highly experienced team would be delighted to discuss your project.
Please contact us for further information.
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Balmoral Comtec Ltd
A Balmoral Group company
Balmoral Park, Loirston, Aberdeen AB12 3GY | +44 (0)1224 859000 |
Registered number SC301819
